April 10th — Balance of Power
1 min readApr 10, 2020
If the exercise of influence is largely never seen,
The incremental seizure comes without convulsion.
On Tuesday I’m autonomous,
On Wednesday, I pay tribute
To a lord whom I’ve elected.
By Thursday, I am just a subject,
More serf than citizenNo longer does my inalienable constitution
Shield my aspirations from the steady,
Unyielding dissolution of my suffrage.
The exercise of rights becomes a pantomime;
A dummyshow -We vote for whomever lies most pointedly
Convincing us his left hand doesn’t know
What his right hand is doing.
It’s Biblical, almost, the scope and range
Of being known, and used, and cast away.Ironically, (if we have time for such coincidence)
The rivals parry, volley, or attack
While anything of substance being done
Necessitates a private peace among
The players who provoke the steady fight
Among us senseless prolesThe balance of power is a laser show,
Punctuated by a soundtrack
Filled with all the songs we’ve always sang
To celebrate, or mourn, or go to sleep.