Go Go Girls (Brothers)
There’s nothing special
about the way
that we shared a room
most of our lives.
but I remember stealing
your jeans to look
and you never thought you
were cool
but I looked cool being you.
I remember the first time you told
me not to be like you. I
remember the first time I
that I would never
be able to
walk into a room
and face that
people just never quite
saw your
jeans on me like you
and how I laugh now
at the amount of paisley you
wore, like a teacher.
But of it all
when I stood over the
remainders of my mistakes
like flakes
of snakes
you told me you loved me
in spite of
the skin I left behind
life isn’t about apples
we are not messiahs
and our’s
is not the blood of christ.