I ask myself — — April 10, 2021


I ask myself,
and then also sometimes you
about the wrinkles in your
I’m so used to them being
about me
because I’ve been the
expanding crack
across the face of others
despite the hands
that left the
car unsteering
I’m so used to them being about me
I’ve watched on my stomach
the crow of my self awareness
as it picked
out the shiniest,
most hollow
guts that made me that being
And them being about me
I’m so used to them
being about me
that seeing your muscles
around your eyes
relax as the light and your breath,

I breathe easy as it all
floats to be
our meaning

“Of course not. I love you.”



For Better or Verse — Poetry Month 2023 et al.
For Better or Verse — Poetry Month 2023 et al.

Written by For Better or Verse — Poetry Month 2023 et al.

Philip J. Repko, Ian C. Repko, and Philip E. Repko have been fiddling with words for more than a few years. Here we shall periodically contribute.

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