You chuckled and spit up Like it was a carnival, and I Was the conductor or what- Ever it is they call the callous 17-year-old that smokes And holds the reins to a Mechanism mostly under Qualified or inspected.
I expected you to cry next, But instead you let out Another giggle, and wiggled Your arm and foot (we call it B-boy arm and motorcycle kicks). I tricked you, next into sleep with Help from Claudio, and lights. And glass things shatter sometimes And we have to sweep it up to Move on. And on and on and on and…
You shuddered for a second I’m Guessing unsure that I would Still be holding you. It’s true, I’ve Been known to let importants Slip between my fingernails. (Copper is worth more than then) And then you closed your eyes and Sneezed. I told you all the precious Stones of life I’d try to keep For you. But you just, swaddled, Grunted, cooed and abruptly Fell asleep.