You Cried



I tried to help her with
The unexpected outburst,
But what is a dad to do
With useless mammaries
But watch your face turn
Red and hot. And see you
Scream for minutes trying
For something out of my
Reach. They try to teach
You answers to every odd
Situation, and the books,
They tell you “this will always
Be the answer”.

You cried only a few times,
And not long, refusing to eat
While I, the other, watched and
Urged, and she sighed, and
Slightly chastised my attempts.
In fairness I was slightly pushing,
But what’s a dad to do but sigh and
Push when the question is gibberish
And the test is never ending.
After spending thirty minutes
We relented and dispersed.
On the drive home, once, I
Cursed myself for not just
Doing more. Then I apologized
To her that I would ever swear,
And swore in front of you.

In silence on the couch, I watched you
Feed and saw contended smiles
Eventually displayed. Then she laid
You on your back aside a white and
Grey spotted cat who loves you more
Than you will know, and I prayed my
Frustrations tonight wouldn’t again
Show. From now on, I take things slow.
Then l, and you at one month, watched
You hold your head up for a full minute
Before she swaddled you and put you In your bed.



For Better or Verse — Poetry Month 2023 et al.
For Better or Verse — Poetry Month 2023 et al.

Written by For Better or Verse — Poetry Month 2023 et al.

Philip J. Repko, Ian C. Repko, and Philip E. Repko have been fiddling with words for more than a few years. Here we shall periodically contribute.

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